Social Anthropology Undergraduate Program has conducted the student by entrepreneurship training with the theme “Anthropology Students in the Middle of Industry 4.0: Cultural and Business Potential.” which was held on October 13, 2022. This training took from 8 a.m to 6 p.m at the Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University.

Welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Nurhayati, M.Hum and the Head of Social Anthropology Undergraduate Program Dr. Suyanto, M.Si. this training run with great joy. Both of the Dean and the Head of Social Anthropology Undergraduate Program also felt proud of the sense of togetherness that emerged through this training.

The first speaker was delivered by Dian Komalasari as a Social Anthropology student of 2020 who successfully passed the Student Entrepreneurial Program (PMW) funding in 2022. Dian presented a topic that matched with theme namely “Anthropology Students in the Middle of Cultural and Business Potential.” Next, the second speaker, Azizah Fatma, S.E. provide tips and tricks “Entrepreneurship and pass PIMNAS PKM-K”. This Co-Founder of Oicora Crayon is a 2019 PIMNAS gold medal winner. Then the third speaker, Shoimatul Faitria, S.E., M.M. which is the KKIB Diponegoro University Business Incubator also provided tips and tricks on “Compiling Good and Correct Business Proposals” to the participants.

The existence of this entrepreneurship training is expected to be able to produce superior generations of Social Anthropology students in the field of entrepreneurship, so that they are able to be independent and have tenacity in work. In addition, this entrepreneurship training also supports Diponegoro University’s mission to increase the ranking of the world’s best QS WUR 500.

(by Vania Pramudita Hanjani, S.Sos., M.Si.)