Wednesday, March 15 2023, at 01.00 a.m, Social Anthropology Undergraduate Program, Diponegoro University has held a meeting related to improving academic quality. This meeting ran smoothly led by the head of the Social Anthropology Undergraduate Program, Dr. Suyanto, M.Si accompanied by the Secretary, Arido Laksono, M.Hum. This meeting discussed several points:

  1. Increasing the effectiveness of thesis guidance and the continuity of thesis examination.
  2. Organizing national and international competitions
  3. International Conference
  4. Re-accreditation of the journal Endogamy
  5. Program accreditation, and
  6. Revision of thesis writing guidelines

It is hoped that the points discussed above can be carried out properly with the agreement that has been determined. So that it will continue to maintain and contribute to improving the quality of the Social Anthropology Undergraduate Program.

(by Vania P. Hanjani, S.Sos., M.Si.).