January 5, 2023 is an important day for the Social Anthropology Undergraduate Program, Diponegoro University to hold an opening meeting for the 2022/2023 even semester. This meeting was fully attended by lecturers and administration staff. The meeting which was held at 10 a.m ran smoothly and full of joy.
Through this meeting, all members of the Social Anthropology Undergraduate Program focused on the progress of the study program, the level of welfare of students and the community. In addition, Social Anthropology wants an increase in work performance that will make the study program proud and at the same time build a sense of kinship within the study program. This meeting primarily discussed the list and distribution of courses to be taught by lecturers, as well as planning activities to be carried out in 2023.
Head of Social Anthropology Undergraduate Program, Dr. Suyanto, M.Si also felt joy for the implementation of this meeting. This meeting is a stepping stone for the study program to be better and always conducts regular evaluations. Evaluation is also aimed at making the study program more advanced and more open with thoughts as input for the future of the study program.
(by Vania P. Hanjani, S.Sos., M.Si.)