Today, February 10, 2023, is the day chosen by Social Anthropology Undergraduate Program family to hold a meeting. The meeting has three important agendas: Evaluation of the 2022/2023 Odd Semester Teaching and Learning Progress, Evaluation of Undergraduate Thesis and Teaching Preparation for Even Semester 2022/2023.
The meeting which was held at 9 a.m in the Large Council Room, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University was attended by all lecturers, both offline and online from Zoom Meeting application, because some lecturers have activities abroad.

The meeting chaired by the Head of the Social Anthropology Undergraduate Program, Dr. Suyanto, M.Si together with the secretary Arido Laksono, M.Hum., became a forum to share suggestions from all the lecturers involved. Improving infrastructure facilities is a focus as an important support for the teaching and learning progress, as well as lecturers also providing their reports regarding final year students who are in the guidance stage. Furthermore, the meeting also finalized the lecturers’ preparations for the teaching process which will begin on February 13, 2023. It is hoped that from this meeting, the evaluation and preparation will lead to an improvement in the quality of the lecturers and the students.
(by Vania P. Hanjani, S.Sos., M.Si.)