Kalirejo, Pekalongan (25/07/2023) – Culture in a society consists of seven interrelated elements. One of the important sciences that people need to understand is the development of human civilization along with the times. People need to have the provision to study the culture and culture that occurs around them to be able to adapt to existing circumstances. Therefore, KKN Team II Diponegoro University students provided education on July 25, 2023 by providing counseling on the 7 Elements of Culture in Kalirejo Village.

Counseling on the 7 Elements of Culture Koentjoroningrat to be able to be implicated in the daily life of the community. In the survey results, people who live in villages do not have or lack knowledge about the science of culture that they should receive. Studying the elements of culture is very important to understand some elements of human culture. Therefore, the resulting description is a complete picture of the life of a particular society in its language system, religion, social organization, technological knowledge system, economy, and art.

Language System

The advantage of humans is their ability to communicate with others using language. The essence of language is communication. Every community must be able to speak well so that language can be accepted and communication with other communities can run well. Therefore, language is a universal element of culture developed by humans themselves.

Knowledge System

Knowledge is related to the nature of high curiosity in humans. Human curiosity drives the growth of knowledge. Knowledge is everything that is known through the senses that humans have. This knowledge is important in the development of human life.

Kinship System and Social Organization

Humans are creatures agreed upon by members of society. This social system includes kinship systems (families) to social organizations that cannot live without other humans. Village communities are known for their close kinship, hence their high level of mutual cooperation.

Living Equipment Systems and Technology

In carrying out their lives, humans need various equipment to facilitate their lives. Tools from simple to modern are created such as household appliances, production, transportation and various forms of increasingly sophisticated technology. Rural communities must accept the development of this increasingly sophisticated era.

Economic System/Livelihood

Human livelihood is very important for human survival. Where humans are forced to work to meet the needs of their lives. The livelihoods in Kalirejo Village are farming and tailoring, so they support their families with these jobs. From these livelihoods humans can develop and live.

Religious System

Belief systems relate to forces outside of human beings. Belief in gods, animism, dynamism, and belief in God Almighty are evidence of religious elements in culture. Every human being is free to choose their beliefs.


Art is closely related to the sense of beauty (aesthetics) possessed by every human being and society. This sense of beauty is what gives birth to various forms of art that vary from one culture to another. Every community must preserve the arts that exist in each region they live in so that they do not become extinct for generations.

Based on the community’s response to this counseling, it is able to increase the community’s insight into the importance of science, especially cultural science and its implementation in rural communities. The Head of Kalirejo Village appreciated the efforts of KKN Team II Diponegoro University students in organizing counseling on the 7 Elements of Culture at Balaidesa Kalirejo Village. It is hoped that with this counseling effort, the community can preserve and implicate the 7 Elements of Culture in their daily lives.

Author               : Tri Endah Novianti (Antropologi Sosial, FIB 2020)

DPL                  : Nenik Woyanti, S.E., M.Si.

KKN Location  : Desa Kalirejo, Kecamatan Talun, Kabupaten Pekalongan.



