Kalirejo, Pekalongan (25/07/2023) – Kalirejo Village is a village located in the Talun sub-district of Pekalongan Regency. Talun sub-district is one of the sub-districts in the southern part of Pekalongan Regency. The livelihood of the people of Kalirejo Village is mostly as farmers and it turns out that in Kalirejo Village almost every resident has land, be it gardens or rice fields. To foster a sense of love and cultural awareness in Kalirejo Village, on July 25, 2023 Undip KKN TIM II students carried out the creation of the Kalirejo Village Cultural Map.
Kalirejo Village has a hereditary tradition that is still carried out today. These traditions are earth alms (legenan) and nyadran. The results of interviews with several residents, in Kalirejo Village still instill the ancestral values of these two traditions. These two traditions are not only carried out in Kalirejo Village, but also throughout Pekalongan Regency.

Legenan Earth Alms Tradition
The legenan earth alms tradition is a tradition owned by the community in Kalirejo Village. The people of Kalirejo Village until now still maintain and still routinely carry out the legenan earth alms tradition for each year. The legenan earth alms tradition is carried out once a year, namely in the month of Legena (Dhulkiadah) where the month is believed to be the basis for the beginning of Islam in Kalirejo Village. The tradition shows the roots of the agrarian tradition and is still preserved by the local community. The implementation of the legenan earth alms tradition is carried out for two consecutive days. The symbolic meaning contained in the legenan earth alms tradition is as a gratitude to Allah swt and asking Allah swt to be given safety, health, blessings, and no disasters hit in Kalirejo Village and the community is prosperous.
Nyadran Tradition
Some people in Pekalongan hold a nyadran tradition ahead of Ramadan. One of the most unique nyadran traditions is held by the people of Kalirejo Village, Talu Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency. In Kalirejo Village, the nyadran tradition has been going on for generations. Residents visit the graves of family and relatives to clean the graves. Uniquely, they also exchange food at the event held at the cemetery.
The Head of Kalirejo Village appreciated the efforts of KKN Team II Diponegoro University students in organizing the Kalirejo Village Cultural Map counseling. He hopes that the community will be more aware and foster a sense of love to preserve the traditions that are still carried out today. It is hoped that this effort can be a rare positive start to create awareness of preserving the traditions in Kalirejo Village.

Author : Tri Endah Novianti (Antropologi Sosial, FIB 2020)
DPL : Nenik Woyanti, S.E., M.Si.
KKN Location : Desa Kalirejo, Kecamatan Talun, Kabupaten Pekalongan.