UNDIP TEAM II KKN Students FY 2023/2024 Support Cultural preservation by teaching Dance Creations to Children in Rembun Village

Rembun, Pekalongan (21/07/2024) Ninda Rahmadany, a student of KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata/Real Work Lecture) TEAM II Diponegoro University (UNDIP) majoring in Social Anthropology introduced culture to the children of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta (MIS) Rembun through dance training Candik Ayu Creation Dance as an effort to preserve culture.

Dancing is one of the activities that is beneficial for physical and mental health, especially for young people, because dancing can train motor skills, increase creativity and self-confidence, train harmony between body movements and the music heard, and can be a means of cultural preservation which of course is very impactful in the modern era like now, where many foreign cultures enter Indonesia which are less in accordance with the personality and original culture of the people. Apart from being a means of cultural preservation, dance also has several other functions such as a means of traditional ceremonies, a means of socializing, as well as a means of entertainment and performance.

Through the program “Exercise Body with Aesthetics: Efforts to Preserve Culture through Dance to the Next Generation of the Nation”, Ninda Rahmadany tried to contribute to the preservation of culture as well as in increasing the creativity and talent of children in Rembun Village by teaching one of the dance creations from Surakarta, namely Candik Ayu Dance.

During the implementation of the program, the children of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swata (MIS) Rembun were very enthusiastic and excited in learning to dance, the School also welcomed the program because it could help prepare students for future competitions.

Ninda chose the program to teach dance to children, because in Rembun Village itself there are many young people who are interested in dance, however, in the area there is no art forum or dance art group that can be a place to work for children, besides that in some elementary schools also do not have special dance teachers.

Author: Ninda Rahmadany- 13040221130058 | Social Anthropology – Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Field Supervisor: Dr. Hari Susanta Nugraha, S.Sos., M.Si.

Location: Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta Rembun, Rembun Village, Siwalan District, Pekalongan Regency